Data driven decision making augmented intelligence dddm_ai

Decision Point augmented intelligence supports decision making when there is a lack of data to otherwise make decisions

Karl Smith, 2019.

While the standard pathway for Decision Science is to focus on data as a tool to make decisions and solve business problems. Decision Point has further augmented the current thinking by adding collated data through an augmented intelligence platform and applying human interpretive algorithms that enable expert context to establish both true meaning and trajectory in a real time manner.

Real time DDDM through Decision Point dddm_ai establishes a clear competitive advantage in a world where enterprises are told competitive advantage no longer exists

DDDM_AI is fundamentally different from the slower data science route which is involved in finding insights by analysis and modelling from data, after this data has been collected, processed and structured by data engineer. While business who are

driven most by data-based decision making had 4% higher productivity rates and 5-6% higher profits, a study of 179 large publicly traded firms

by Brynjolfsson, Hitt and Kim of MIT Center for Digital Business found in 2011 based on Data Science. No impact analysis currently exist for the evolutionary real time DDDM_AI that utilises augmented intelligence but by extrapolation the expectation is for higher productivity, utilisation and profits for client companies.