Decision Point AI ® is a software and service consulting company.
Decision Point AI is natural intelligence merged with artificial intelligence to create augmented intelligence
The world is experiencing Data Overload and Insights are highly interpretive and time sensitive. Critical decisions cannot wait for manual analysis to create contextual meaning from insights, they need to be automated to deliver decision guidance and Augmented Outcomes for Companies, Executives and Shareholders.
The platform can deal with what is known and can also consider what is not known. It extends the results of big data tools, descriptive and predictive analytics as well as business intelligence solutions to deliver assessments with actionable outcomes. Assessments highlight what has contributed to the likelihood, indicate potential risks, opportunities and conflicts. Despite the quantity or quality of information available at that time, whether objective or subjective, the road ahead and its challenges are laid out.
Decision Point augmented intelligence supports decision making when there is a lack of data to otherwise make decisions.